Congratulations! You’ve decided to improve your smile, and I’m here to help you get those pearly whites with these Custom Whitening Tray Instructions. Although some teeth whitening systems from the local store might work ok, you will find out why teeth whitening trays from a dentist are wayyy better


I’m very excited to guide you step by step on using this customized home whitening system, and I have created this Blog to ensure you get the best possible results. I will also show you how to use your whitening trays safely and effectively, so make sure you read until the end.


I’m Dr. Rodriguez, General & Cosmetic Dentist in Cartagena, Colombia 🇨🇴. I’m here with another post to help you get the beautiful smile you desire. I’m glad to see more people interested in taking care of their dental health, so I love this opportunity to welcome you to my Blog. 


Without further ado, let’s get started with the Custom Whitening Tray Instructions.

MATERIALS you’re going to need:

  •  The top and bottom custom trays
  •  The whitening gel syringe that I provided you
  •  1 or 2 Q-tips
  •  Your toothbrush, floss, & toothpaste

Are you ready
Let’s jump right in



1️⃣. Floss and brush your teeth thoroughly. 


2️⃣ . Localize the facial surface of each tooth on the custom trays. Then using the syringe I provided you, apply a small drop of bleaching gel into the middle of that facial surface. Please skip the second molars.

 Whitening Tray Instructions 

3️⃣. With your fingers, seat the trays completely and press firmly onto the teeth. 


4️⃣. Remove the excess gel from your gum line using a Q-tip

5️⃣. Wear the trays for 1-2 hours or for the time recommended by your dentist. (To achieve optimal results, avoid talking or eating during this time. Try activities such as watching a movie, reading a book, or answering job e-mails.)

6️⃣. After the recommended time is over, remove the trays and rinse your mouth with water.

7️⃣. Then brush your teeth as usual and rinse your trays with cold water.


8️⃣. Repeat this process once per day for about two weeks or until the syringe is finished.


9️⃣. If sensitivity occurs, skip the whitening for one or two days. 


🔟. Make sure you always keep the syringes refrigerated.


Remember that your teeth might get stained during the whitening process because of what you’re eating or drinking. (To know which food and drinks you should avoid during whitening, please watch my video “POST-TREATMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEETH WHITENING”)


Miss Faith moore
“Dr. Rodriguez is the best , she takes her time and also educate you about the procedure that your getting. I’m very Happy with the service I received”


Did you find this Blog helpful? 

I’m excited to hear about your whitening journey!

💬⌨️⬇️ please leave your comments below 💬⌨️⬇️,

E-mail me or tag me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/cartagenaenglishdentist/?hl=en

Custom Whitening Tray Instructions

Dr. Rodriguez’s Final Tips: 
  • In the trays, use a desensitizing gel such as UltraEZ™ or Relief™ to calm the symptoms. (It would help using desensitizing toothpaste instead of the commercial gels in a pinch.)
At-Home Teeth Whitening Kits
Check the best three brands for teeth whitening gel replacement and approximately the peroxide % recommended.  

At-Home Teeth Whitening products that I had use and highly recommend my patients:

1- Nite White by Philips Zoom Whitening

2- Opalescence PF 15% Teeth Whitening by Ultradent

3- POLANIGHT (Pola Night) Teeth Whitening Gel 16% by SDI https://www.amazon.com/-/es/dp/B0010DKTG6?coliid=I1MXVY4HQLIIA8&colid=1AACPK5WPAQ1L&psc=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=drrodriguez01-20&linkId=2d510f51a65592364b7d49397a2261cf&language=es_US&ref_=as_li_ss_t


If you or your relatives are interested in other cosmetic dental work while taking a vacation in Colombia, please message us at [email protected]. Our prices are more affordable than the U.S and Canada for the same quality dental work. 


Thanks For Reading! feel free to share this info with someone interested in whitening their teeth👥.

 Remember I’m Dr. Rodríguez, General and Cosmetic Dentist in Cartagena, Colombia 🇨🇴, and I’m here to help you get the beautiful smile you desire.

See you at my next informative Blog. Bye-Bye


Check this Blog: PROFESSIONAL TEETH WHITENING IN CARTAGENA (cartagenaenglishspeakingdentist.com)


Dr Rodriguez
Dr Rodriguez

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